Just stopping by, which is more than my visitors are lol.
Not much doing, I've made a few ATCs this afternoon while Jay has been next door fixing their burst pipes in the kitchen (no he's not a plumber - just an emergency helper), haven't actually seen my youngest child as he's been far too busy defeating enemies on Spyro in his room, eldest one has been at a friends (which is a relief otherwise I might shove his phone right where the sun don't shine - long story but something to do with music he keeps listening too and the rest of us have to endure) so I did a little crafting.
Well here they are and I've just noticed I've put in a strange coloured brad which should be white, I will change that later, must have been when it went very dark with a very sudden hail storm out of the blue, which was so bad it came through the chimney and put the fire out...you couldn't write this stuff!!

These are great, I love the owl stamp, I have this too, he's so cute!
I really love what you've done with the owl stamp and the jigsaw .... clever little so and so, aren't you LOL.
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