OK I'll admit I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to teeth, I've had bad toothache for sometime now and really loathe paying Dentist bills when I can spend it on stash or chocolate. Sadly the pain became too much to bear so I took a trip to the Dentist today...little did I know that when I went in a 11.40am I wouldn't actually see daylight again until 2.30pm!!
A troublesome wisdom tooth that had to be extracted but wasn't about to budge without a fight, I've had several injections, lots of pushing and shoving and still nothing, then I was told I might have to go to Hospital at which point I was praying in the lying down position that it would bloody drop out, eventually after more injections, drilled in half and then each root extracted individually it was out, so my mouth is a little tender tonight...but I am pain free which is a huge relief, and now I have no wisdom teeth left...which is apparently because my jaw is too small for them to fit in...something my husband finds rather amusing, can't think why lol.

To console myself, my new Kipling handbag arrived and its totally gorgeous and I love it, I've got to get another one for going to the flower show, a girls got to look her best :)
Gorgeous little bag - but ouch at the dentist - not sure I could have stuck being in the chair for that long!!
Glad the Dentist got it sorted eventually, no wonder you don't like going. Love the bag.
You certainly deserved that gorgeous bag Claire.
Glad you are pain free now and hope you get a goodnights sleep.
I was wincing in pain reading that....had to have a tooth out at the emergency dentist on boxing day just gone and I wanted to cry it hurt so bad.....glad you're sorted now and I LOVE that bag....
You poor thing, I'm glad you got it all sorted, cute bag by the way.
Ouch! That sounds like something from a horror film. Glad your bag arrived - you deserved it. Deb x
That bag is yummy ... very you :)
I love the bag and after that experience at the dentist you deserved it too!
Found your bag through kates beautiful stuff blog. Your dental experience sounds harrowing but the bag is a nice consolation. I was fortunate to be born with only one wisdom tooth and it has never given me any trouble, but I'm not all that wise, either (ha!).
What a saga with the tooth and ouch!
Love that Kipling bag - I bought one while I was on holiday and just had to get the matching purse - it wasn't a patterned one though. I now have two of them and can see the collection getting bigger especially after seeing your bag!!!
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