Yep the 1st October, before you know we'll be unwrapping Christmas presents lol, its a quick year and blimey its getting cold out there.
Been a bit too busy to blog, my youngest son turned 7 on Saturday, where does the time go. We've been building Lego castles and when I've not been entertaining him I've had to sort the bedrooms out otherwise we will have to turn Santa away :(

Next on my to do list is the cupboard containing all my stash, apparently I have to sort it all out and put it in the tote my husband bought me for Christmas...ooops!
I have squeezed in a CJ entry and I'm working on some Hallowe'en stuff for GottaCraft which I love especially as Jay does the most amazing pumpkin carvings, I do love Autumn :)
Until next time xxx
I'll happily come and sort out your stash for you LOL. Ok, maybe you wouldn't trust me LOL. Love the picture of birthday boy - I take it, he is rather happy with that present.
I'm trying hard to sort my house and stash at the moment , but not getting very far. The LO is gorgeous.
pillow has been put to one side while I have been making some jewellery to sell...LOL...
Rest assured I will be picking it back up again....
Shhhhhh lets try to advoid mentioning Christmas as today I went into town and there seemed to be some crazy rush on!!!
(ok, I also admit I have brought LOADS of Christmas presents already!)
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