Finally I have a layout to share with you, no don't faint I know its been a while lol.
Truthfully I've been scrapping layouts ready for a page kit from GottaCraft to celebrate the wonderful high jinks of Halloween.
Right, back to my layout which is an Easter one minus the traditional Easter embellishments which I don't use since I developed more style. We were having a egg hunt at Gran & Grandad's home...good job the sun shone that day lol.
I have to say I'm totally addicted to this pompom ribbon and don't mind confessing I have it in several colours cos its just fun and funky and very, very tactile :)

I've used a kit I purchased from GottaCraft featuring Crate Papers and the Blue Hill collection and embellishments and of course my pompom ribbon. I normally avoid Easter, Birthdays and Christmas pages because they all become a bit samey but I really do like how this turned out, a bit different without any sign of a bunny, chick or egg!

Lovely LO x
Just gorgeous :) .... and I can vouch for the stunning Halloween layouts coming soon. You're one talented lady (ok, pushing my luck with the lady comment, huh LOL)
gimme gimme some of that pompom ribbon!! Its lovely!!
Pat x
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