Now that evokes wonderful childhood memories of my adorable Li'l Snoopy dog and here he is...

I received the CJ 'Childhood Toys' a while ago and knew once the theme had been chosen who I would be using.
I loved this dog, much to the despair and delight of my poor Mom especially when he accompanied us on a supermarket trip! What makes Snoopy special, well its his feet because when you pull him they go round and make the best (or bestest which I would often say as a little girl) clickety clack sound you've ever heard.
If that wasn't enough, if I walked extremely fast I could make his springy tail wobble and smack his bottom which just added to my total enjoyment of taking Snoopy for a walk.
Now they don't make toys like him anymore, such a shame we've become a horrid plastic nation :( Bring back Snoopy I say.
I've scrapped him using Basic Grey patterned papers which are cute in their own right and added some retro flowers as the owner did not want any journalling in her CJ.

Snoopy Rocked!